7 Simple Activities To Help You Relax – Try One Today!
The best way to relax and destress is to do something you enjoy. Here are some activities to help you relax and unwind. Whether you need to take a break from work or just want to have some fun, these activities can help you recharge…

Eric Paskel – It’s Juicy Yoga Class
It’s Juicy Yoga Class with Eric Paskel This is a juicy one! The pacing of class is steady and slow. It’s a different way to catch a sweat without having to go through a bunch of sun salutations. This class is an EP original that…

What Is Hatha Yoga and How to Benefit From It?
What is Hatha Yoga and is it right for me? There are many types of yoga, some are more ancient than others, while others have modern versions that emphasize different aspects of yoga. What is Hatha Yoga? Yoga is the union of mind and body;…

What Makes Kundalini Yoga Different From Yoga?
What makes Kundalini Yoga different from yoga? Yoga does not only provide a form of exercise, it is well-known for revitalizing your mind, body and spirit. Yoga is a form of union. The best yoga forms allow you to improve each. Hatha yoga, which dates…

Where Did Yoga Come From? History of this Spiritual and Physical Activity
Where did yoga come from? The ancient spiritual and physical activity that is Yoga has been enjoyed by millions around the globe. Yoga was first discovered in the East and then spread to the West. Yoga has its origins in ancient India, and was developed…

Yoga Mistakes – The Right Way To Do Downward Dog Pose and More
Have you made any yoga mistakes? Downward Dog is a common yoga pose that you may not be doing correctly. Here is the right way to do downward dog pose. Its benefits include strengthening the arms, legs, and back while stretching the hamstrings and calves….

What Is Iyengar Yoga and Is It Right For You?
What Is Iyengar Yoga? Iyengar yoga is a form of Hatha yoga. This school of yoga was founded by B. K. S. Iyengar in the 1970s in India. It uses Hatha poses, but with an emphasis on detail, precision and perfect alignment in the performance…